Organics recycling services
For Your Business and for the Environment
By now you’ve probably been recycling your plastics and paper for many years, and perhaps you keep a backyard compost bin at your home. But did you know we can help your organization or business maintain a sustainable organics recycling program?
At Winters Bros., we do more than haul trash — we’re committed to improving the Long Island community:
- We’re the first garbage collection and recycling company on Long Island to offer organics recycling tailored to your business or organization’s needs.
- Our specialized fleet — with the recent addition of an organic collection vehicle — can handle any job.

Your Business Can Benefit from Organics Recycling!
Any organization that generates organic waste — such as food waste or yard waste — can participate in an organics recycling program.

The Organic Waste Recycling Process
Organic waste is placed in dedicated containers and collected by our specialized, leak-proof vehicle.
The organic waste is then taken to a processing facility to be converted into natural products such as nutrient-rich compost or fertilizer.

The Organic Waste Recycling Process
Organic waste is placed in dedicated containers and collected by our specialized, leak-proof vehicle.
The organic waste is then taken to a processing facility to be converted into natural products such as nutrient-rich compost or fertilizer.
Benefits of Organics Recycling and Composting

Reduces Long Island’s dependence on landfills and incinerators.

Helps lower climate-altering emissions while producing valuable, nutrient-rich compost that improves soil health and water quality.

Creates a sustainable community — help your business become environmental stewards on Long Island.
To request service for an organics recycling program at your location, contact us at (631) 491-4923.
*Please note services are not available in all areas.